The Fool or the Fool Who Follows?

I have two main purposes in life, I guess.
1. I love to make people laugh and smile.
2. I love to make people think.
It's even better when I can do both things at once!

When I started blogging, I did a post on the tarot card called “The Fool.”
It is easy to criticize the Fool. S/he wanders off with very little burden. Oblivious to the dangers surrounding, s/he skips along innocently. Like a newborn baby, the Fool has much to learn.

However, there is much to admire in the Fool.
The Fool begins things which many others would not dare.
The Fool experiences many things which s/he would not if s/he had not started the journey.
The Fool is brave enough to shrug off the naysayers and begin anyway.
Maybe the Fool's job is to experience life – so that others can join in.

Maybe the answer to Obi-Wan's Question isn't as rhetorical as it initially seems.
“Who is more foolish: the fool or the fool who follows him?”
Maybe the wisest thing to do is to recognize what the “fool” is doing and join in – helping him or her towards his or her goal.

This Fool's Experiences

Although I believe strongly that there is “nothing new under the sun”, there are definitely different ways to express and experience things. I have a fairly unique blend of experiences and beliefs which have given me a rather unique perspective on life – and this oozes out anywhere I present myself.

Similar to Ewan McGregor's acting philosophy, I don't do things “for the business” - I do things because I believe in them. I also don't tend to do things half-heartedly. Either I do them – or I don't. This doesn't mean that I can do everything at once though. I'm quite tidal, I'll do one thing for awhile, then switch to another for awhile.

Normal is Boring (and on Facebook) is about being the Fool. Generally speaking, one is meant to have a “niche” for their blog, but I'm so diverse and so tidal, that this would never work!!!

The Static Globetrotter (and on Facebook) is about experiencing the world from the comfort of your computer. I have done this for several countries already and wish to share with you a tour around the world in this manner.

A'mara Books (and on Facebook) is my fiction series which takes place on a world designed specifically to handle everything I ever want to write. (Further links to come.)

Viking Visual (and on Facebook) is my photographical work. It's available in several locations including Zazzle, CafePress, Photobox, RedBubble, Skreened and Fine Art America. (Links to come.)

Finally, Viking Ventures (and on Facebook) is meant to cover everything else. I have work on offer on Fiverr (article writing, genealogy work and esoteric things) and Etsy (genealogy, esoteric things plus my new healing crystal jewelry.) (Links to come.)

The Wise Ones Who Follow

My articles have mostly been as a freelancer, meaning that I do not have many pieces which include my byline.
However, I'm a regular contributor at Learning Tangent, a homeschooling magazine.

My photographs have enjoyed a constant trickle of purchases through Zazzle and CafePress. They only (so far) equate to a bit of pocket change. However, a friend of mine purchased the first-ever photo birth chart from me – her birth chart with one of my Stonehenge photos as the background!

I've also self-published two novellas so far (no. 3 is about 95% done now – just need the tide to flow that way once more!) I'm hoping to get my first collection finished this year. They are available throught CreateSpace and Amazon. So far, those who have read my work have been quite excited by them.

The Fool Revealed

self-portrait - 2013
copyright Viking Visual
My nom de plume is Lori Svensen, named after one of the towns where I grew up.
I was born in Corvallis, Oregon, and spent the best part of my growing up in Clatsop County, Oregon.
In adulthood, I moved east, spending three years in Wisconsin, two in New York, then 16.5 years in Great Britain (Hampshire, Berkshire, Wiltshire and south Wales.)
Currently, I am in Vancouver, Washington.

Besides writing, I am a photographer and psychic. I'm also a Zumba enthusiast, hoping to become an instructor in 2015 or 2016.

Further Contact

The best place to find/contact me is on Facebook (links above) or right here.

Keep an eye out. I plan on doing a fundraiser soon to help my mother and I through the Zumba instructor's training. (It's a little beyond our means right now.)

In the mean time, follow me on Facebook and subscribe to my blogs so that you don't miss anything!

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